Time for playing with peers and within cross-age groups
Developing appropriate and healthy interpersonal relationships
Participating in an environment that promotes creativity, healthy lifestyles and strong sense of self
Support of school goals by encouraging responsibility for homework, reading for enjoyment and participating in challenging games and activities
Encouraging new interest areas and skills through art projects, cooking activities, clubs and supervised games
Challenging intellectual and physical abilities through games and sports
Encouraging a healthy lifestyle by serving nutritious snacks, planning healthy and tasty cooking projects, teaching sports and physical skills including balance, strength and stability
Helping children develop their fullest potential by focusing on self-awareness, confidence, feeling of self-worth, interpersonal relationships, academic achievement, physical skills, and health and nutrition
Providing best possible opportunities for growth into healthy, well-adjusted adults who are equipped to live and work in the world they will know
A licensed private non-profit child care since 1980. License #430702544 1425 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, CA 95125 • (408) 287-6999